What’s different about the “KonMari” method? What is a Tidying Festival?
The KonMari® Method goes by category, not location. This allows for us to have a moment of clarity and realization by having all the like items in front of us and see if we truly “need” them all. It focuses on the lifestyle you desire to have now, and what, therefore to keep.
The process of handling our things is also different. We make a conscious effort to respect and feel gratitude for our possessions by acknowledging how they have served us. In this way we develop better habits and value our things more, so we gladly care for them properly.
It also focuses primarily, but not only, on what we call a Tidying Festival. It means that we work together in a concentrated effort from beginning to end, over a set period of time to go through each item in your entire home and organize it for good. This allows the full KonMari® experience to take place by creating a home that sparks joy.
It sounds overwhelming and a bit impossible, but it’s actually very doable and exciting. With the right method and support we can accomplish anything. KonMari® is the method and I’m here to be your support. Let’s tidy!
Why hire a KonMari® Consultant?
Home organization is more than just “tidying up” or “cleaning.” The KonMari® Method works within 6 core principles that will transform your home into a sanctuary.
Principle 1: Commit
Principle 2: Envision Your Ideal Home and Lifestyle
Principle 3: Discard and Let Go With Gratitude
Principle 4: Tidy by Category Not by Location
Principle 5: Follow the Specific Order
Principle 6: Only Keep Items That Spark Joy!
What positive changes can I expect?
You will reconnect to your True Self
You will experience calm and clarity
You will be able to decide whether something works for you or not with ease
You will be empowered to create better habits and become an example for others
You will free up mental and emotional energy as you reflect and get clear about what lifestyle you desire to have. From that space, deciding what to keep will become evident and you will feel a peaceful release and a sense of freedom as you let go of anything that no longer serves you
You will create room in your heart and home to enjoy what truly matters to you
You will create a peaceful and harmonious environment where you will thrive!
I can honestly keep going but it will take A LOT of space
Will I have to let go of things I don’t want to let go of?
No. You decide. The focus isn’t on getting rid of things. It’s on making a conscious choice about what you truly desire to keep. It’s about understanding what really speaks to your heart now, and how you can reflect that through your belongings in your home so it supports the lifestyle you desired to live.
How many sessions are required to complete a Tidying festival?
It depends on your home, the amount of your possessions, and you. Some people move quickly and decisively, others need more time. The amount of homework you complete between sessions can significantly shorten the overall time.
What does “KonMari” mean?
It’s a combination of "Marie" + "Kondo" Marie Kondo is a Japanese organizing consultant, author, and TV show host. Marie has written four amazing books on organizing, which have collectively sold millions of copies around the world. In these books she describes her organizing method which has resonated so deeply with people all over the world who desire to declutter their homes for good and live a joyful life.
What do I have to do during the Lesson?
Can my Consultant do the work for me? Your main job is to mindfully consider each item as we work through the categories. This is a hands-on process! During the Lesson the Consultant sets up sorting stations, helps to process items, and assists you every time you need help. She will ask you clarifying questions if you get stuck. She pre-sorts items for you to make your sorting most efficient. She keeps you focused with one manageable task at a time. She works alongside you, packaging items for donation and recycling. She will haul away your donations. Once the discarding stage is complete, she will suggest organization solutions, teach you how to fold efficiently, and help you put the items in their homes.
Is minimalism the goal?
No (unless, that is what you desire). The goal is a home that supports you and the lifestyle you desire to have. There is no minimum or maximum number of things “allowed”. You are free to listen to your heart.
What do I do if my kids/partner/roommate etc. are not into it?
We tidy only our own things, and things that our partners/roommates have agreed to. We don’t force anyone to tidy who isn’t ready. The best way to inspire others is to lead by example.
How do I know I won’t experience rebound and clutter won’t come back? Will this really last?
Once you have experienced the magical feeling of a truly ordered space surrounded only by what you love and actually need, where each thing you have has its special home, you will want to make sure your space always feels that way. The most critical thing in not rebounding is to continue to treat your things as though you value them and to take the time to return them to their homes as they are used. This is a change of mindset as well as a habit. Our clients tell us that things that they used to hate (like putting away laundry) have become activities that actually now bring them joy!